Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Anti-Human Trafficking Campaign for A21 in Cambodia

I was in the border town Poi Pet, Cambodia recently working with a lovely Khmer family who agreed to be a part of A21's anti-human trafficking campaign. The boy in the photos was used to help illustrate the story of 'Ong' a 1 and a half year old Khmer boy who had been used for begging since he was born. He was often spotted early mornings and late evenings crying alone on the street with a change bowl—being carried around by other children begging to tourists crossing the border from Cambodia to Thailand. Thai police removed him from his trafficking situation and connected him with A21.
After providing immediate care, A21 was able to find a foster family for Ong in his home country of Cambodia where he is safe and cared for. 
You can check out the important work A21 is doing here: https://www.a21.org